Eye See

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They are often viewed as an occurrence that is unique, and yet, they still exist in every way you can possibly imagine. From the stars in the heavens to all of the biological processes down here on Earth, it is their originality that makes them noticeable in the areas they universally inhabit.

Regardless of this fact, they exist in these so called “normal” venues even though they may seem out of place because they are so different than most.

Often, the universal forces of nature are telling them they should not exist this way, but, if they exist outside of who and what they are truly meant to be, in this case beautifully different, they will disappear into the same quantum vortex from which they have been duly manifested into creation.

Some can be destructive, like a hedonistic black hole indiscriminately devouring everything in its path, and others can be undisruptive, like a remnant of upholstery folded and stitched to the bottom of a frame by its designer, in order to make the entire sum of its parts detailed to absolute perfection.

The power to create or destroy is not Science Fiction by any stretch of imagination. All of the good, bad, ugly, indifferent, angry, and self-righteous people along the way have been here to teach me a thing or two about who I am, and trust me, it has not been easy realizing your own kind will do or say just about anything to change you because they also fear what they do not understand.

Does this sound familiar to anybody else?

Someone once asked, “How did I discover these abilities?” And, that is a very good question indeed. In retrospect, it seems to have all happened by accident. But I know everything happens for a reason.  Much like the mistakes I have been making in the progression of understanding myself, and how I have come to realize there is perfection in all things that often seem broken, flawed, or odd at first sight.

The best news about all of this is when you touch the other side, and get to cheat death like I did, everything that is really important suddenly becomes very real, and there is an opportunity to do something bigger by fully acknowledging and accepting these abilities.

My special friends have been encouraging me to come out with it, again now, and own up to my destiny once and for all.

Since we really are a rainbow of people, the best thing I have learned is that being different is not such a bad thing after all. I still cry when I must, laugh at my mistakes when they happen, and hope for a better day whenever a tough day seemingly gets the best of me, (don’t we all) because there have been many, many days that I have questioned my place in this world since I woke up from being in a coma with absolutely no memory or motor function, whatsoever.

Hum?! Come to think of it, this must be what it feels like to come out.

As you have probably said to those who have judged you for being who you are, this is only part of what makes me who I am. When I put everything together it makes a lot sense for me to claim this as my own. Especially when these universal forces of good, bad, ugly, indifferent, angry, and self-righteous judgments pull on me, sometimes even push me into a direction that goes hand in hand with feeling the need to come out of the broom closet, again.

I had a near-death experience and have been given these special gifts by God/Source/Universe/Big Daddy.  (whatever you choose to call it) And there are a lot of other people like me in this world, too. By some estimates there are one billion of us coming from every region on the Planet, every race, every color, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, etc.

The most important thing about this experience has helped me realize that everything is connected in one way or another, much like a combination to a lock, this holds the key to my future.

Here is some more truth; all of this bullying nonsense is not going to stop me. You can tell by my photo I  wholeheartedly accept these diverse parts of who I am, as facts. There have been way too many validated experiences to label it as something else. (I have references) Recently, I have discovered the sure fire way to take your power back is to fully own every part of who you are with honor and pride. And as you can see, it just keeps getting better.

Here are some more interesting facts for those who question whether or not these gifts come from God.

Romans 12:6 – We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying then prophesy in accordance to your faith.

Yes, that is real scripture.

The word faith means to believe in something that is not based on proof, have confidence or trust in a person or thing, believing in the unseen. A knowing.

Prophesy means to teach religious studies, making inspired declarations of what is to come, teaching religious subjects. To preach.



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